
4-month high-level 1:1 coaching for ambitious women who desire deeper, more aligned relationships

You've done everything right. You did the work, got the job, ticked all the boxes... but something feels like it's missing

and there's a yearning in you for more alignment, inspiration, and fulfillment from friendship & romance


You're a go-getter and know how to achieve... but it feels like you're trapped in this endless cycle of doing and being busy.


It seems hard or near impossible to find space for yourself in your busy life


Relationships and/or Friendships seem to fizzle out and you can't figure out WHY


Maybe your body has a hard time responding to intimacy... your head is in it, but body is saying no and it's confusing AF & causing anxiety


Maybe you're about to turn 30 (or another milestone birthday, or life transition is coming up) and you feel like you're about to loose it


Maybe you're a business owner and you're having anxiety come up when it comes to networking & being seen. Or maybe you're noticing relationship sh*t coming up as you're building your business!!


Maybe you've heard other women say "I love you" to their friends and you think that's weird... while secretly wanting friends like that yourself


Maybe you identify as a "guys girl" and most of your close friends are men... while you're secretly wanting sisterhood in your life too!


You want that alignment, support, and inspiration from friends/lovers/clients who respect your boundaries, see your worth, and cherish you.... I'm here to help you get that

What do you get from deeper, more aligned relationships?

The capacity for your body to finally relax & slow down

love, safety, and belonging!

A well of inspiration for your art, your work, to reach your goals, and to live your best life

The inner and outer support to live a life that you absolutely love with ease

+Inclusivity statement: While my marketing is focused on my niche of supporting women, my work also welcomes anyone who was socialized as a girl/woman while growing up (non-binary folks and trans men). You are welcome here beautiful soul!!

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Trained Self Love, Sexuality, and Relationship Coach

Certified in Forgiveness Coaching, Womb Circle Facilitation, Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga, Pranayama (breath work), and EFT

Hi, I'm Cilia!

Self love, Sexuality, and Relationship coach for women+

I was like you once- the high achiever who worked hard to get what she wanted

It's a behavior I learned at home- "work hard, and you will be seen as worthy"

And then I found myself in my mid 20s with my dream job of managing a yoga studio, and my dream partner.

But I was SO LONELY.

It felt like I was hustling on a hamster wheel my whole life and I suddenly woke up and didn't like what I saw around me.

I started the journey of discovering my own identity, accepting myself fully, and growing my capacity of feeling safe to be seen

Which led to marry my absolute soulmate, create the friendships of my dreams, and do more fulfilling work in the world


I come from a trauma-informed approach from both my training & life experience.

My 10+ years of practicing yoga, not only as a mindfulness practice but as a self discovery modality brings a unique deep presence and acceptance for you in my 1:1 coaching spaces.

I'm trained in the VITA method which takes proven scientific approaches for healing, growth, and thriving and combines it with mindful practices.

My work is flavored by my past career as a yoga, mediation, and fitness instructor and is very somatic (body-based) We go deeper than talking about stuff- we FEEL, we take new actions, and we completely transform!!

REAL TALK: This work is not for everyone. This is for the souls who are ready to go DEEP.

Most self development starts and ends with healing and liberation... but you'll go further in this space

I don't stop at liberation, I'll help you step into THRIVING

My framework // what our journey will look like:

Creating more safety to pause and BE with your own body 

Going from basic self care to the deepest self reverence & becoming your own lover

Getting extremely clear on what you desire, from an aligned, body-based place and discovering what unconscious resistance you have towards what you say you want

Alchemizing mother, father, and caretaker imprints

Eating Shame for Breakfast- We'll hold a mirror up to where shame is hiding in your mind & body so you can free up that energy in your body and use it to feel liberated instead

Moving past growing and healing and stepping into EXPANSION & THRIVING

We'll work with a 3 weeks on, 1 week of schedule- minimum 4 month commitment


4 months: $5,000 paid in full

or 4 monthly payments x $1,350 ($5,400 total)

Client Love