Witches of Wealth Magick

Change your relationship to money so you can expand in your business/career through the power of ritual & sisterhood

Starts Jan 8th, 2025

Zest 2024-136

Change your relationship to money so that you can take new, stretchy actions in your business/career.

Witches of Wealth Magick is for you if you've recently received (or are about to complete) a certification in coaching and you want to change your relationship to money so that you can confidently bring your new skills into your own business or career.


Maybe this coaching thing is totally new to you and you want to go all in on your own business.


Maybe you don't want your own business but you want to take your coaching skills into a career that you've taken a break from.


Maybe you've been doing what you're doing for a while and you're at a pivotal point where you want to feel more confident, and worthy of growing your work.


Maybe you're in a life transition and you're going back into the workplace after a long break (or working and making your own money for the first time!)


Whatever it is, you're desiring a consistent community to inspire you to take stretchy, new actions to grow your business/career.


And you can feel that if your relationship to money could shift, it would be a lot easier to put yourself out there to get paid what you want!!


You want to feel more confident, worthy, and at ease with charging clients for your work in a way that feel supportive to both parties. (Or asking for a raise/higher salary.)


In Witches of Wealth Magick, you'll feel more confident & worthy of the business/career you desire by changing how to feel, think about, and relate to money.

Change your relationship to money for your next expansion in business/career

This space is:

✅ An invitation to change your relationship to money through sisterhood, ritual, and taking new actions!

✅ A consistent weekly community of witches who are all here to change how they relate to money and take new, stretchy actions as a result

✅ An invitation to explore your current relationship with money AND to step into something new through each week's topic and thoughtfully crafted homework invitations

✅ 10-weeks of structure to bring accountability for you to complete and act on any current or past educational materials you have access to for business, branding, etc (to be clear, I am not teaching you on these topics but I offer tools to take action on them plus you have our group to come to for witnessing and support)

This space is not:


❌ a step-by-step course teaching you how to build your business

❌ a step-by-step course teaching you how to pivot in your career

This space might be a perfect fit for you if:

You thrive in community

You're ready to receive AND give by being witnessed in this group and holding space for your fellow peers during our calls

✅ It feels like changing your relationship to money might be the missing piece for you to take action in your business/career

✅ You're a coach who can bring valuable reflections and questions to your peers in this space

✅ (Optional) You have educational materials to go through for your business/career already but you desire a 10-week accountability to actually watch/read/implement the materials

This space might NOT be for you if:


You don't have to capacity right now to be in a co-created community (we have round table discussions on our calls and we have hot seat coaching where you'll receive coaching from me and I also ask you if you want to receive any coaching/reflections from the group)


❌ You have no idea who your niche is yet (having a rough idea and actively working on it is fine) or what kind of work you want to go into if you are focusing on career rather than business


❌ You’ve never offered 1:1 work for a client (practice clients count!) or been in a leadership role


❌ You’re looking for a space that will teach you the logistical basics of business. For example: how to set up your website, what service to use for contracts, how to make a contract, how to brand yourself, etc. (We will be focused on Wealth Consciousness/changing your relationship to money)

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Hi, I'm Cilia & I'll be your guide in this space!


At the end of 2023, I found myself completing a live year of a Sex, Love, and Relationships coaching certification and being faced with doing the business building and money consciousness work alone.


I knew I could powerfully coach people but I didn't feel worthy of confidently charging what my work was worth or building my business. I had access to the education for business building but it was hard to actually watch, read, and implement that content without structure and a community to hold me accountable

I noticed a lot of my peers felt the same and alas this offering was born. (Originally a 6-month space called Wealthy CollectiveMind)


The consistency of sisterhood plus the deep dedicated work of exploring our relationships with money shifted something for all of us. As we learned about ourselves and changed our relationships to money and we were all able to take stretchy, new actions to further our businesses/careers.

What I'm bringing to this space

My training and 10 years experience with facilitating mindfulness comes through in this space with guided rituals, meditations, and practices on our live calls and/or as audio/video files as homework in between calls.

I'm also a certified Womb Circle Facilitator, and am receiving my certification in Sex, Love, and Relationship coaching in October 2024.

I bring a consistent weekly meeting space with different topics to change your relationship to money. We'll prepare for each call through thoughtfully crafted homework.

Plus I'll give you an optional structure  to walk yourself through any business/branding education that you already have access to on your own during our time so you can have this space as a support and accountability space. If you're like me you probably have at least one course or book you've been meaning to get to that you know will help you in your business/career and having a community to hold you accountable helps a lot.


I do NOT bring any sort of teaching on how to build your business. I do not guarantee that this space will make you rich and booked out. If you are looking for someone to teach you what to do for your unique business, this is not that kind of offering.

The Details
10 weeks, Jan-Mar 2025

10 weekly witchy gatherings where we ground, move through ritual, and have round table discussions and hot seat coaching on our topic of the week and what we are moving through with our wealth consciousness and business




An online portal with our call replays, practices, and PDFS for each week

A group whatsapp to stay connected between calls

Weekly goal setting

(Optional) Weekly accountability to watch and take action on any outside educational materials for your career/business (educational materials are not provided by me, I'm just giving you the structure and community to hold you accountable to devote 10 consistent weeks to it)

We begin with our Opening Ceremony on Jan 8th, 10am PST
2025 Schedule

All calls are on Wednesdays at 10am-12:30pm PST

















For ease, you will receive Google Calendar Invites for each call & there will also be a call schedule with zoom links in our online portal


Replays will be available in our online portal and all replays will be taken down 05/12/2025


2025 ROUND: Jan 8- Mar 12

Jan 8- Mar 12

Limited to 10 spots with 2 Partial scholarships available.


Or $419 x 3 months



Price goes up Jan 2nd 2025


Or $500 x 3 months

You can join last minute up until January 13th, 2025

(as long as spots are still open)