The Breast Massage Course for women to fall in love with your body

Heart Magick

Unlock the deep, transformative power of self and body love through this magical breast massage course for women & non-binary souls

Join the live round beginning Thurs, Dec 5th-Thurs Feb 27th!

Use code PRESALE for 30% off until 10/31 11:59pm PST


Dear beautiful soul,


Are you ready for journey towards fully embracing the incredible body you live in?


Do you want to drop the BS from the beauty industry, your past, and hurtful comments your ex might have said about you?


Welcome to Heart Magick, a breast massage course for women & non-binary beings. This is a deep body love journey infused with mindfulness and embodiment for a supportive experience.


Heart Magick is not just a course, it’s a sacred space crafted to guide you through the enchanting realms of self-love. This stands out from other breast massage courses because I'm not just teaching you breast massage, I'm teaching you how to EASE into this practice and how to HOLD and ACCEPT whatever emotions come along on the journey.

Heart Magick is a breast massage course that's meticulously designed for your quest to fully embrace your breasts, to invite more pleasure into your life, and to cultivate profound, unshakeable self love.


If your heart is already saying yes, I invite you to tap below to join the upcoming live round beginning Dec 5th, 2024:


Why Heart Magick?

In a world that often demands so much from you, it's time to prioritize the most important relationship – the one with yourself.


And what's usually COMPLETELY SKIPPED in self care? It's breast massage!


"Heart Magick" is your personal sanctuary, where you'll discover the secrets to:

🖤 Deep acceptance of your body:

say goodby to self criticism and hello to radical acceptance. Through deep practices, exercises and reflections, you'll learn to celebrate and honor your body exactly as it is.


🖤 Unleashing Pleasure:

Life is meant to be enjoyed, and pleasure is your birthright. Heart Magick supports you to create space for joy, sensuality, and pleasure, allowing you to savor every precious moment. The focus of the breasts in this course is also a great place to start if you don't have a regular pleasure practice or you are struggling to open up to pleasure within partnered or solo sessions.


🖤 Deep Self Love:

Love is a journey that begins within from the relationship with yourself. This course gives you the tools, wisdom, and support needed to cultivate and nourish a deep love for yourself, perhaps for the first time.


🖤 Unleashed Confidence!!

A beautiful byproduct of this work is a natural confidence that starts surfacing from within. This transformation has happened from students doing the breast massage practice on the first try!

A unique Breast Massage Course for Women+

Heart Magick isn’t just a course; it's an invitation to embark on a life-changing adventure towards self-love.


And because I know how triggering it can be to connect with your body in a sensual way, Heart Magick doesn't only teach you how to do breast massage- it also gives you supportive practices to hold what comes up for you. From my research on other breast massage courses out there, this is a big missing piece.


Imagine waking up every morning with a deep sense of appreciation for the incredible person you are – that's the magic we're here to cultivate together.

Inclusivity statement: This is a size, age, trans, and non-binary inclusive space. This course focuses on slowing down and connecting with your feminine energy through breast massage and anyone with breasts is welcomed here.


Being intimately connected to your heart brings deeper surrender, safety in the body, heightened creativity, aligned relationships & more

You'll have the capacity for more generosity/giving in an aligned and energy honoring way.


You'll express more fully & authentically, which effects all layers of your life and inner being.


See if you can feel a taste of that right now by looking down at your heart and smiling right now. Send love to your breasts and feel your heart beating.


Your heart is waiting and craving for quality time with you


Without a deep heart connection, you give your energy in a way that leaves you depleted, with unaligned relationships & work, exhausted,  not feeling sexy, worthy... the list can go on and on.


This ends here.


Join this journey into deep layers of self love, and enter into a portal of more confidence, sensitivity, creativity, and connection...

Do any of these resonate?

You want to deepen your love for your boobs. You may currently wish they looked or felt different & want to accept them as they are.

There's resistance with you showing up with your own voice, creations, work, etc and you want to break free

You feel disconnected from your body

You desire a feminine practice to drop some of your energy from your mind down into your body

There's a dependency on lovers/other people to make you feel luscious, delicious, and soft and you're ready to make yourself feel this way on your own

If any of these made you say YES, I created this offering for you 🖤

Hi, I'm Cilia!

Oh my have I been on a journeyyyy with my boobs.


I used to HATE my boobs, I thought they were too small and comments from boys didn't help. (I was called the president of the itty bitty titty committee, lol)


Today, I proudly OWN my boobs. As they are. Which why it's an honor and dream come true to provide this breast massage course for women & non-binary souls to help you LOVE your body too!!


As I've shared my story, I've seen how much boob acceptance work is needed!!


So, I'm giving you the practices that changed what my inner experience of being a boob owner felt like!!


This offering comes straight from my heart and I regularly guide myself through the content inside.


Besides the aspect of accepting your physical body, this work sets the solid ground for a spiritual awakening (whether it's your first, fifth, tenth, or 10000th 😂 🫠)


This is also an initiation into becoming authentically embodied and WHOLE as you are.


The spiritual upward spiral this work has taken me on continues to unfold and deepen as I keep practicing which is why I cannot keep this to myself!!


Breast Massage Might help you with:

Cultivating that firey "I don't give a fuuuu" energy when met with being judged for your identity or truth 🔥

Achieving balance between "doing" and being productive vs rest, relaxation and "being"

Calling in a dream partner 😍 (because you'll be so at home and whole already that your presence naturally draws this person in like magnet)

Slaying shame around being in a body with breasts

Having a spiritual awakening🌹

Confidence to speak up in relationships, friendships, and the bedroom!!

More presence during lovemaking, and  breasts going from a ticklish and sometimes painful place (or even numb) to an open space that lovvvvvves to receive touch 🥰


You'll be guided to:

Make space for your body and your pleasure in the most sacred & magical way

Release who the world tells you to be and step into your OWN defined identity (& even break your own rules)

Alchemize energy that might be stuck in your breasts

Receiving wisdom through your body within the embodiment practices, and breast massage practices

What's Inside:


Module 1: Hello, heart. The basic fundamentals to slow you down and get you started with a breast massage practice

Module 2: Heart Magick. Embodiment basics and dropping deeply into your heart with a magical guided breast massage practice

Module 3: Heart Melt. Tapping into your 5 senses to realize your desires and a super sensual breast massage practice.

Module 4: Heart Healing. Strengthening your inner resources and being supported to heal and let go. 

Module 5: WILD Heart. An expansion of all you've learned to nourish yourself in heart pleasure.


All calls are THURSDAYS at 11am PST

Thurs, Dec 5th @ 11am PST- Opening Circle

(then Hello, Heart Module Opens)

Thurs, Dec 12th @ 11am PST- Live Guided Practice

Thurs, Dec 19th @ 11am PST- Women's Circle

(then Heart Magick Module Opens)


Thurs, Jan 9th @ 11am PST- Live Guided Practice

Thurs, Jan 16th @ 11am PST- Women's Circle

(then Heart Melt Module Opens)

Thurs, Jan 23rd @ 11am PST- Live Guided Practice

Thurs, Jan 30th @ 11am PST- Women's Circle

(then Heart Healing Module Opens)


Thurs, Feb 13th @ 11am PST- Live Guided Practice

Thurs, Feb 20th @ 11am PST- Women's Circle

(then WILD HEART Module Opens)

Thurs, Feb 27@ 11am PST- Closing Ceremony


What happens during a women's circle?

Here's a basic outline:

-opening grounding practice

-singing medicine songs

-intro of our theme + a guided practice to go with it

-optional break out rooms with 2-3 people for sharing your practice experience

-optional sharing with the group after the break out rooms

-close with grounding breaths & more singing


Due to the digital nature of our course, all sales are final. Once you have gained access to the course materials, we are unable to offer any refunds, exchanges, or cancellations. This policy is in place because you will have immediate access to all of the content upon purchase, and it is not possible to return digital content in the way one might return a physical product.

Program + 1:1 Support (limited to 2 spots)

$ 2,997
  • or $1,000 x 3 months
  • Everything included in the program plus VIP 1:1 support
  • 1:1 support with 10 sessions (60 mins each) across 10 weeks
  • You'll have between 12/6/24-2/26/25 to schedule all ten sessions
  • Private voice note/ text support between your 1:1 sessions

Use code PRESALE for 30% off until 10/31 11:59pm PST

Pay In Full

$ 447
  • Pre-recorded Course
  • Live calls from 12/5/2024-2/27/2025 with replay recordings
  • Access to any future updates to this program including any future live rounds, calls, or women's circles

3 Month Payment Plan

$ 150 x 3 months
  • Pre-recorded Course
  • Live calls from 12/5/2024-2/27/2025 with replay recordings
  • Access to any future updates to this program including any future live rounds, calls, or women's circles

How it works:

Once you sign up, please allow 24-72 hours for me to email you your course portal log in along with other links you'll need

Once you log into the course portal, you'll see just the introductory module until we have our opening live ceremony on Dec 5th, 2024

Each module of the course will be released about every 2-3 weeks to go along with our live calls

You'll need oil for this practice, my favorite one is the Heart Activation Oil from Shemana  which you can find here:

this is an affiliate code where I'll receive a commission

breast massage course for women

Join the best breast massage course for women available!

new selfie

I've truly put a lot of care in making Heart Magick a safe space that's easy to take on if you're starting from complete scratch.


My trauma-informed training in sex, love, and relationships coaching plus my background as a yoga/mindfulness teacher brings a unique sense of safety and approachability to this work that can feel very triggering to start.


If you've made it this far down this page, I invite you to ask yourself: If I felt at home in my heart and body, what would shift in my life? What would it feel like to step into total, unapologetic body acceptance?

If the answer to that is something you desire and feel ready for then I invite you into Heart Magick!

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have.

xo, Cilia

xo, Cilia


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