Self Expressed Babe coaching

1:1 relationship & sexuality coaching for ambitious women who desire to feel worthy of healthy love

Calling all women with a past of toxic relationships!! You're here because you want to experience your most epic relationships within love, friendship, and ALL of life!

You're either currently single, and wanting to commit to your self love so you don't repeat the same patterns once you're ready to date again.

Or, you're in your first healthy relationship and you're like "shit, I might mess this up!"

Either way, you desire to feel worthy, and empowered to be a Self Expressed Babe who receives healthy love

I will help you get there through the deepest work out there that you can do for your self love, self worth, and self acceptance.

That deep work is sacred sexuality with a tantric approach to love, sex, and relationships and the transformation will be with you for a lifetime!🔥


Real Talk: No one is coming to save you. It's up to YOU

Thanks maybe to Disney, it's common to think that one person out there is going to fix everything. "If I could just date that one amazing, perfect person, I'll be healed!!"

Reality check: that savior isn't out there. It's within you.

The earlier you can not only believe that but fully feel it, the earlier you'll end the cycle of getting into toxic relationships or pushing away healthy relationships out of feeling unworthy.

Why? Because what you're unconsciously looking for in a relationship completely changes. What you were looking for in the past becomes something you no longer need because YOU gave yourself that. YOU came to save you.

With your inner world soothed, you can start to embody the Self Expressed Babe and the way you show up for yourself and your relationship completely shifts.

If you're on this page, I truly celebrate you for making it here because this work is about to become a pivotal time in your life that benefits you for years to come!

Hi, I'm Cilia!

I combine scientifically proven transformational tools with ancient mystical wisdom and practices to help end the pattern of toxic relationships in your life

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Trained in a tantric approach to love, sex, and relationships, specialized in Female Sexuality and Life Transitions

I'm also certified in meditation & pranayama (breathwork) instruction, EFT Tapping, and Womb Circle Facilitation

Through working on the individual level in the deepest realm of self love and identity (sexuality), I help my clients step into their worth, radiance, and truth in a way that lasts!

Our work together will benefit your for a lifetime because it's grounded in the body as muscle memory, not just something that you think about or believe

As a romantic at heart, I didn't give up on finding love even after a string of toxic relationships. Somehow, I knew my person was out there.

But it wasn't until I realized that "my person" needs to first-and-foremost be myself- everything changed!

Through connecting with my own body and cultivating a loving, unconditional, radically accepting relationship with myself... I found myself in my first healthy relationship.

But wait, did I truly feel worthy of receiving that healthy love or was it only something I believed in my mind?? 😬

When I kept showing up for the layers beneath mindset work, something I call "bodyset", I experienced an endless well of safety, worthiness, and confidence to be a self expressed babe.

That not only gave me the capacity for more closeness with my husband, where I felt worthy of healthy love, but I received healthier friendships too!

With this 1:1 work, you'll continue to receive transformation from our time together for life because ALL of your relationships as a result of you unconditionally loving and accepting yourself.

Inclusivity statement: My work welcomes women of all sexual orientations. While my main audience I serve is cis-women & the language on my website speaks to that group, my coaching welcomes trans, non-binary & gender fluid folks with vulvas.

How I define the Self Expressed Babe:

SELF: She takes the time to pause and be with herself, her body, and she has her own back


EXPRESSED: She feels worthy to speak up for her needs, she makes space for creative self expression, and she practices clear, non-violent communication


BABE: She is her own lover and views her body, sexuality, and sex life as sacred


Want to become here?? Read on below to see what working with me looks like:

What our relationship coaching journey looks like:

what we work on session to session will vary but this is a monthly overview. While this is the plan I bring to my 1:1 packages, everyone is unique and we'll move at the pace that you need

Month One: Calling in your truest desires

We'll work on grounding you into your body to bring out what you really deeply want in self love, sexuality, and relationship. I bring in my past experience as a mindfulness teacher to drop you into sensation, your heart, and your soul so you can uncover what's beneath what you say you want.


Month Two: Clearing the slate

You'll be supported through doing the deep work of connecting with your internal caretakers and inner child so that you can meet your own unmet needs and step into unconditional self love and acceptance


Month Three: Sexual Thriving

We'll explore what's going on with your sexuality, clearing shame, and creating a new reality for you to look forward to


Month Four: Deep Embodiment

You'll be supported to fully step into being, feeling, thinking, and relating as your highest self / the Self Expressed Babe


4-6 month minimum commitment, 3 sessions/month

3 sessions per month, 60-80 mins, with a combination of coaching & guided practice/ritual

Custom resource library for your action steps between sessions

Limited sliding scale spots available with a 10-session commitment facilitated over 13 weeks

"Cilia is wonderful at providing a safe exploratory space.  She brings a calm inquisitive nature that allowed me to feel free to disarm and ask myself some challenging & deeply fruitful questions.  Her style is partnership-oriented, and I never felt judged. This helped to create a wonderful sense of joy and adventure in the process.  I was amazed at some of the discoveries that emerged out of just 3 sessions, and I am greatly looking forward to delving in further, I can't recommend Cilia enough." -Brenda

"I definitely feel a shift in my feminine energy and power. My marriage is absolutely stronger, more connected, and sexier! I've also noticed some beautiful new levels of creativity blossoming. I would absolutely recommend this 1:1 work to anyone looking to deepen their relationship, unlearn + relearn old sexual stories, and claim their feminine power." -Anna

"She provides a safe space for exploration of deeper, more intimate topics that may be affecting our day to day lives without us even knowing about it. I truly felt cared for by Cilia during our sessions as she was attentive, took careful notes of my self expression, and managed to distill those in a concise manner which helped me focus more and have a more clear idea of what it is that I want in life."- T.R.

Self Expressed Babe coaching

1:1 relationship & sexuality coaching for ambitious women who desire to feel worthy of healthy love

4-6 month commitment, 3 sessions/month

3 sessions per month, 60-80 mins, with a combination of coaching & guided practice/ritual

Custom resource library for your action steps between sessions

Limited sliding scale spots available with a 10-session commitment facilitated over 13 weeks

Did you scroll down for pricing? Check above the testimonials section