Embodiment work- What it is and how to do it

Embodiment work is a beautiful practice to get in touch with your feminine side. The side of you that feels, a lot. And embodiment work is SO NEEDED in this world. You probably resonate with that if you live in your head a lot, feel overwhelmed by all the notifications, news, episode drops of shows…

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Why you need a mindfulness PRACTICE

why you need a mindfulness practice

Practice is the key word here. Mindfulness comes with practice, so choosing something you can devote to will bring you grounding, healing, and confidence. I’m here to help you ground, express yourself, tap into your endless creativity & be authentically confident and at the very foundation of my work is mindfulness. But again, mindfulness is…

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Painful Sex and the Pelvis with Steffi Von Brunner

Cilia: We want to talk about painful sex and the pelvis today and before this call, I was sitting down with your bio of everything that you wrote me and I’m just like, wow, you have an extensive background of all these different trainings!! I think it’s very interesting that you studied architecture and now…

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Breast Massage: What are the benefits?

what are the benefits of breast massage

You’re curious about the benefits of breast massage and I can’t wait to spill the tea… thank you for being here. I’m literally overjoyed at the thought of more and more women and people with breasts learning about this because this is a life changing practice. You being here, reading this post is a moment…

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